It's also interesting to observe how the communication tide has turned in the past couple months. Since Kate didn't have much of a background in English to start with, David had to do a lot of translating for her, at least in the beginning. However, she started learning new words more quickly and now does the same for him on occasion.
Google translator does an outstanding job and Wikipedia has many articles in Russian, but we're occasionally running into completely new subjects with big and unfamiliar words... (we had a telescope project for Kate two weeks ago which ended up being quite a challenge!) Perhaps Homer Simpson put it best with his, "Doh!" 8-D
Both children are meeting the challenges with positive attitudes, and it's hard to believe we've been home just four months. Kate is now picking up English faster than David (granted, third grade doesn't have many big words, unlike fifth grade!) and David hates to see the big dictionary coming out because it means that "Pops" is going to start asking questions and he won't wiggle off the hook easily, especially if he has been trying to take a shortcut or two by guessing at words/meanings rather than looking them up.
The good new is that the flowers and trees are all budding, the temperatures are heading back up and spring is just around the corner. We even noticed that daytime temperatures in Petropavlovsk even reached the 40's this past week! Soon it will be spring time there too.