Thursday, September 6, 2007

Travel Dates and Another Trip to Nashville

Today I drove some more documents up to Nashville to be apostilled. I left the house at 8 am and got back to town just before 5 pm. Another 400+ mile trek which took all day despite the fact that the administrative portion at the Shelby County Clerk of the Court (certifying the notary) and the Tennessee Secretary of State (applying the Apostilles) took less than an hour and a half of that total time.

Since our process has been dragging on so long, a few items are aging. There are also a couple, verification of employment and medical, that need to be updated within 90 days of our first court hearing.

Ok, that was a subtle hint that we're getting close to launching on the overseas portion of our adventure! The past few days since recieving our LOI have been a rollercoaster. On one hand, we want to go RIGHT NOW! On the other hand, there are still a few details to work out such as visas from the embassy, coordinating with the staff in Kazakhstan, and so on. We were hoping to travel on Sept 15th, but the coordinator and his team weren't ready for us yet.

While driving up to Nashville, between heavy downpours and while safely stopped at a rest area, I made our flight reservations. We're heading to Kazakhstan on Sept 26th! We'll leave Memphis on the 7:10 pm flight on Wednesday evening, spend Thursday afternoon in Amsterdam, then arrive in Almaty at 5:10 am on Friday the 28th. Saturday the 29th we'll fly up to Petropavlovsk.

On Monday, October 1st, we will have our meeting with the regional representative of the Minister of Education (MOE). At that point we will be given permission to visit an orphanage and finally get to meet the children we will have traveled half way around the world to see!

The good news is that the small delay will give us a little more time to prepare bedrooms and do a little more shopping. Now that we have travel dates, we can begin our real countdown instead of just guessing. 8-D

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